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R2D2 Wiki

All the information about the most beloved Star Wars droid

R2D2 Star Wars

An ingenious astromech droid, R2-D2, served first Padmé Amidala, then Anakin Skywalker, and finally Luke Skywalker, showing great bravery in rescuing his masters and friends from many dangers. He was an expert starship mechanic and combat assistant to the pilot, and forged an unlikely but lasting friendship with the fastidious protocol droid C-3PO.

The fall of the Republic

After the occupation of her planet by the Trade Federation, Queen Amidala attempted a daring escape through the orbiting blockade of warships. His Royal Naboo Starship was severely damaged, however several astromech droids were dispatched to make emergency repairs. Attached to the outside of the ship, they were picked off one by one by incessant enemy fire. However, one brave droid remained standing: R2-D2, a white and blue model.

R2D2 Star Wars

He successfully restored the ship's shields so that it could make the jump to hyperspace. R2-D2 was recognized by the queen for his service and accompanied her along with her attendant, Padmé, Jar Jar Binks, and Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn when they arrived on Tatooine. On the desert planet, he was introduced to a protocol droid still under construction named C-3PO. They became close friends and Artu immediately reprimanded 3-PO for being naked, as his inner pieces were on display. Later, R2-D2 would assist nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker in a Naboo N-1 starfighter fighter during the Battle of Naboo.

R2D2 Star Wars

R2-D2 remained in the service of Padmé, who was really the former queen of Naboo and now a senator. Artu stayed by her side after the assassination attempts orchestrated by Jango Fett and accompanied her and Anakin on their visit to Naboo. Later, the astromech met C-3PO again on Tatooine. Together, they went with Anakin and Padmé to the breakaway world of Geonosis.


R2-D2, his protocol droid friend, and their masters entered the Geonosians' massive droid factory, where they were building an army to attack the Republic. R2-D2 saved Padmé's life, flying into a computer terminal and shutting down the assembly line before the Naboo Senator was doused in molten metal. After an accident at the factory, C-3PO temporarily switched heads with a battle droid; Luckily, Artu was there to help restore his colleague.

R2D2 Star Wars

During the Clone Wars, R2-D2 was both Anakin's assistant pilot and a secret weapon of the Republic. In one of his many adventures, he joined four other droids from D-Squad: an elite unit tasked with recovering a cipher module from a Separatist ship.

But his adventures did not end there; the curious and varied group, led by Colonel Meebur Gascon, crash landed on the semi-unpopulated planet Abafar. They encountered an amnesiac clone trooper named Gregor, who later remembered his true identity and helped the team escape the planet. Ultimately, when the members of D-Squad saw themselves as their only chance to stop a deadly Separatist plot, R2-D2 made the ultimate sacrifice. Luckily, Anakin ordered a search for his friend and logo to rescue the droid.


Later, R2-D2 assisted Yoda on his journey through the galaxy. He traveled with the Jedi Master to Dagobah, a planet of a mysterious Force, and to Moraband.

R2D2 Star Wars
R2D2 Star Wars

After years of tyrannical Imperial rule, a fledgling rebellion achieved its first major victory against the Empire by stealing the plans for its fearsome Death Star. Darth Vader tracked the schematics to the Tantive IV, which he boarded with a squad of stormtroopers. Princess Leia Organa, secretly a Rebel leader, hid the data tapes in R2-D2's memory banks and the astromech escaped the ship along with C-3PO. 


Upon landing on Tatooine, the droids were captured by Jawas and sold to Owen Lars, a hydrofarmer; Lars tasked his nephew, Luke Skywalker, with the care of the droids, but Artu proved difficult to control. He left the farm by himself, claiming that he had a mission to deliver a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi. This turned out to be true: the princess had recorded a distress message addressed to Obi-Wan detailing what to do with the stolen plans stored within her. Meanwhile, the Empire began an exhaustive search for the droids, leading stormtroopers to kill Lars and his wife, Beru. Luke, Obi-Wan, as well as their new companions Han Solo and Chewbacca, along with Artu and 3-PO went to help the Princess.


Later, having rescued Leia and the digital plans for the Death Star delivered, the Rebel Alliance launched an attack on the space station. R2-D2, although a bit beat up, was chosen by Luke to accompany him in his X-wing. The droid assisted its new owner with repairs and technical assistance, but was heavily damaged in combat. However, Luke destroyed the technological terror and R2-D2 was fully restored and repaired.

R2D2 y Yoda

Following an Imperial attack on the Rebel Alliance base on Hoth, Luke and Artoo headed to Dagobah in search of Yoda, the Jedi Master. Upon landing, R2-D2 stepped into a murky swamp and was attacked by a giant snake-like creature; The brave droid managed to escape and kept Luke company until the arrival of a peculiar little green alien.

Artoo and the strange visitor had a minor fight over Luke's lamp, with the astromech finally relinquishing it on Luke's orders. As it turned out, the strange being was actually Yoda himself and Luke's training soon began.


Some time later, Luke went to Cloud City to confront Darth Vader, with R2-D2 as his assistant. As the droid and its owner were separated from each other, Artoo reconnected with C-3PO and his friends, helping them escape the clutches of the Empire.

R2D2 y 3-CPO

Han Solo had been frozen in carbonite and delivered to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, a harrowing turn of events for his friends. They devised a rescue mission, however, with R2-D2 and C-3PO at the center of the plot. The droids infiltrated Jabba's palace, setting the stage for Leia, Chewbacca, and an unarmed Luke to join them and be taken prisoner. Just before Luke was pushed into the Sarlacc by one of Jabba's henchmen, the plan was revealed: R2-D2 had been carrying the Jedi's lightsaber the entire time and threw it directly into Luke's hand. Luke led the destruction of the crime lord's forces and Han's rescue was completed.


Artoo accompanied Luke back to Dagobah, where he said goodbye to the dying Jedi Yoda. They then regrouped with their friends and left Endor, the forest moon that was home to the shield generator of the Death Star II. In the heat of the Battle of Endor, R2-D2 stayed close to C-3PO and made an attempt to open the shield generator bunker's blast doors. Unfortunately for Artoo, the bunker's security system overloaded the droid's circuitry. He was later repaired and joined his friends and new fellow Ewok in a gleeful celebration of victory.




* Source:



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